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الموضوع: فكرة ولكم الراي!

  1. #1

    فكرة ولكم الراي!

    السلام عليكم

    لدي اقتراح من الممكن ان يطور لغتنا الانكليزية وبطريقة مميزة وسهلة وحيوية

    الاقتراح هو ادراج سؤال باللغة الانكليزية عن أي شئ.....ويأتي العضو الذي بعده ويجاوب بالقدر الممكن ويزيد ان شاء بالاجابة ليتعلم من اخطائه

    والخيراء يعلقون ( لتصحيح الاخطاء ايا كانت)

    وهكذا يستفيد العضو ويدرك اخطائه ويعدلها

    هذا اقتراح وللمشرفة الكريمة ولكم ان يستمر هذا الطرح أو ان لم تروا فائدته ان يتوقف

    سوف ابدأ ببداية هذا الطرح بالاتي:

    how do you find this sUbject? would you like to be part of it

    تقبلوا حبي لكم وتقديري

  2. #2
    عضو شرف الصورة الرمزية المطنوخ

    تاريخ التسجيل
    10 2004

    hi pal

    i found this subject in newest subjet ((did u mean that ..?)) and of course i would like

  3. #3
    مراقب المضايف الاسلامية الصورة الرمزية ابو ضاري

    تاريخ التسجيل
    03 2007
    Blog Entries

    this is good suggestion

  4. #4
    طفلہ ثائرهـ ..!
    مشرفة المضيف التعليمي
    الصورة الرمزية بالمختصر..

    تاريخ التسجيل
    10 2006

    go ahead

    I'm with you alshahry . we all need to improve our English


    ألا يا ربنا عفـوك .... و غفرانك ، لك الدعوى
    ألا يا الله نبي قربك .... و جنّاتك لنا مأوى !♥

  5. #5

    Thank you Almatnokh….I mean we should start asking questions, and whoever is after you, will answer it…and if there is any mistake then we correct it accordingly.

    BelMoktaser……thank you for sharing us with your thoughts,…..I suggest that you start the questions,…otherwise,.I will start with a new question:

    How did you find the English teaching in our schools? Do you think we can do any thing to improve it?


  6. #6
    طفلہ ثائرهـ ..!
    مشرفة المضيف التعليمي
    الصورة الرمزية بالمختصر..

    تاريخ التسجيل
    10 2006

    How did you find the English teaching in our schools? Do you think we can do any thing to improve it?
    Really, I think it is not bad

    yesterday I saw my sister's book of English , she is in the 6th year

    every thing is clear and easy for children in this age

    but for me, I think it depends on the teacher method of teaching

    my question is

    what did you learn from the forums for your life , what is the benefit ?


    ألا يا ربنا عفـوك .... و غفرانك ، لك الدعوى
    ألا يا الله نبي قربك .... و جنّاتك لنا مأوى !♥

  7. #7

    Question Replay:

    If I clearly understand the meaning of your question, life is a big school, with changing environments. We are learning from our daily exchanges with others, work, and close people.

    Sometimes, we are influenced positively, depending on special conditions, and then we use what we learned and then we go on….
    But, many times, the influence is bad, and we need to filter out these things more often.

    If your question if about Life, then maybe we need to spend the coming 4 or 5 days talking about it………

    My question:

    If you are an English teacher, what is the your technique to teach kids, or even teenagers? Will you use new teaching methodology? Or stick to whatever written for you?

    Wish the best

  8. #8

    ياناس شوي شوي

    والله عجزت افهم

  9. #9
    أبو عبدالله الصورة الرمزية منصور الغايب

    تاريخ التسجيل
    04 2007
    Blog Entries

    Alshahrei ....of course i will use anew idia like pictuer and vidio film

    my question is

    If you travel to forign country and you can spea; english well .... what would you do

  10. #10

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة منصور الغايب مشاهدة المشاركة
    Alshahrei ....of course i will use anew idia like pictuer and vidio film

    my question is

    If you travel to forign country and you can spea; english well .... what would you do

    If you travel to forign country and you can spea; English well .... what would you do"
    So to start, I will start with small word corrections: forign has a spelling mistake so it should be foreign.

    Mansour, maybe you mean If you travel to foreign country and you can’t spell; English……
    The answer, spelling there is not a big issue, if you are just talking to people, or at the university, but it is a problem when you are writing, so the best thing to do is to use small dictionary machine, or even a web site that can correct the spelling for you. Most important, you have to learn the basis word, and how to write them accordingly. Start with the most important words that are used everywhere, and lately, you will end up knowing new vocabularies.

    It is recommended that you ask people who know, and learn from them whenever is needed.

    My Question:

    Have you ever traveled outside, and faced with serious language difficulty? Or even here in schools, with any teacher, and in front of students?

    In this case, what was your reaction??

    Wish you the best

صفحة 1 من 2 1 2 الأخيرةالأخيرة

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المواضيع المتشابهه

  1. ابي الراي
    بواسطة الجـــوكر في المنتدى مضيف المحاولات الشعريّه الجادّة
    مشاركات: 0
    آخر مشاركة: 18-03-2009, 07:46
  2. ولكم
    بواسطة شاعر الغفلة في المنتدى مضيف الإهداءات
    مشاركات: 5
    آخر مشاركة: 29-05-2006, 23:47
  3. هل توافقوني الراي..!!
    بواسطة ديمقراطية في المنتدى المضيف العام
    مشاركات: 9
    آخر مشاركة: 03-01-2006, 00:18
  4. منكم ولكم
    بواسطة مرثيةالاصايل في المنتدى مضيف التّرحيب والتعارف
    مشاركات: 15
    آخر مشاركة: 06-03-2005, 21:58


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