Hi, How are you.. ?
what about you my brother?
I'm fine.^_^
.How can I help you my brother
Stop I'm Top,,
Don't think about it,,
I'm new member and I'm so boring,,
What can I do in this time ,, !!
Play football or ( play station )
I think it will change your mood
ألا يا ربنا عفـوك .... و غفرانك ، لك الدعوى
ألا يا الله نبي قربك .... و جنّاتك لنا مأوى !♥
Collecting empty cans and women Play
You are good boye. I will play Wii not play station.
يوسف العطاوي
No way you are bad boy. I will kill you
Wait wait wait Why did I .........?
Is this the reward of your time it missing something useful Yala sons of this generation to tolerate tips
Your Opinion about to go to the Khor and go along
Khalh Chevet Wesh me this and I advise him beautiful and useful tips
الذين يشاهدون الموضوع الآن: 1 (0 من الأعضاء و 1 زائر)