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Remote Crash.+ vuln to cause 100% cpu usage
عند محاولة تشغيل ملفات من نوع : .mp4 .m4a .nsa or .nsv
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Winamp 5.07 (latest version ) Remote Crash.+ vuln to cause 100% cpu usage.13/12/04I. BACKGROUNDWinamp is a very popular windows audio and video player. It also has alot of other features and is used by millions of people across the world.II. DESCRIPTIONVULN 1.There is a vuln in winamp's handling of .mp4 and .m4a files. Which when exploited can remotly crash the victims winamp.The vuln lies in the .mp4 tagging systemwhich winamp uses.If you use winamps builtin feature to edit the tags on .mp4 or .m4a files and insert any data in there the next time the file is opened it will instantlycrash winamp.now how to crash it remotly.if we create a .pls file contaning the data[playlist]numberofentries=5File1=http://b0f.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/a.mp4Title1=Length5=-1Version=2and make a html page containing an iframe linkingto the .pls like.now if the victim clicks a link to a page likehttp://b0f.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/wexp3.htmit will auto open up the .pls file and load the .mp4file into winamp and crash it.This could also be done with .m3u instead of .plsVULN 2.This one is simple if you create say a 1mb fileprobably smaller filled with junk and name itwith either .nsv or .nsa file extension. When opened in winamp it will cause 100% cpuusage. The bigger the size of the file the more it will probably slow down the system.III. ANALYSISVuln 1.Successful exploitation allows remote attackers to crash the victims winamp.Vuln 2.Successful exploitation causes 100% cpu usage.IV. DETECTIONThis has been confirmed in the latest version of winamp5.07 and probably vuln in earlier versions.V. WORKAROUNDDon't open suspicous .mp4 .m4a .nsa or .nsv files or click untrusted links.VI. VENDORThe vendor has not been contacted.Why bother ? one asksVII. CREDITAlan M aka b0f(b0fnet@yahoo.com)P.S Buy Tupac - Loyal to the Game out 14/12/04[/align]
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