النتائج 1 إلى 9 من 9

الموضوع: فتوى الملكه رانيا؟؟؟

  1. #1

    وصلتني هذه الرساله وحبيت انكم تطلعون عليها ونقلتها بحذافيرها.

    حضرة المفتية الملكة رانية قد افتت مؤخرا بعدم فرضية الحجاب على المسلمات وانه من بقاياعاداتناوتقاليدنا الباليه التي ابتلينا بها وهي تتشرف وتفتخر بفتواها باللغة الانجليزية وكأن الامر لا يعنينا نحن كعرب ومسلمين وتنشرها في الجريدة الالكترونية عرب تايمز ومقرها امريكا وهي ايضا محجوبة عنا بواسطة البروكسي وهي جريدة فقط تنشر الفضائح العربية (الحكومات) مهما كانت درجة مصدقيتهاواشبهها بصحف التابلويد في بريطانيا على كل حال اترك لكم قراءة الموضوع(الفتوى) ولكم الحكم . وقد قرأتم رأيي في الموضوع أدناه الذي ارسله فالكون وارجوا ان تقولوا رأيكم فيه ايضا لانه يهمكم ويمس عقيدتكم الاسلامية ومهما كان قائلها. ودمتم...عيونك أشوف إبها الجمال

    > تلقينا الرد التالي من الملكة رانيا العبدالله على المقال الذي نشرناه عنها قبل ايام وكان يفترض بنا نشر الرد فورا لكن شرطين وضعتهما الملكة في مقدمة ردها اخرا النشر وتسببا بحوار ساخن وجدل طويل في ادارة عرب تايمز ... فطائفة ومنها كاتب هذه السور رفضت الامتثال لشروط الملكة .... وطائفة تزعمها الزميل الدكتور اسامة مستشار التحرير وافقت على الشروط او بالاحرى على الشرطين اللذين وضعتهما الملكة .

    > والحكاية من اولها اننا نشرنا مقالا قبل ايام عن مشاركة الملكة رانيا في برنامج المذيعة الامريكية الشهيرة اوبرا وينفري وكان البرنامج عن المرأة في المجتمع الاسلامي وجاءت مشاركة الملكة رانيا من قصرها في عمان عبر الساتلايت ... وشاركت في البرنامج صحافية امريكية مسلمة تعمل في جريدة امريكية تصدر في شيكاغو .

    > الصحافية الامريكية الاصل ظهرت في البرنامجوهي محجبة وقالت في مشاركتها ان الحجاب فريضة على المرأة المسلمة وليست خيارا ... اما الملكة رانيا فنفت ان يكون الحجاب فريضة وقالت انه اقرب الى العادات الاجتماعية .

    > وكالعادة انفردنا بالكتابة عن هذه الحلقة وقلنا في ردنا ان الملكة رانيا تنفي بهذا الكلام ايتين كريمتين من ايات القران الكريم لا لبس فيهما وتنصان صراحة على ان الحجاب فريضة على المرأة المسلمة ويمكن للقراء العودة الى مقالنا المشار اليه في زاوية هذه المرأة .

    > بعد ايام من نشرنا للمقال المذكور وصل الينا الرد التالي من الملكة رانيا ... لرد جاء باللغة الانجليزية واستهلته الملكة بشرطين هما : نشر الرد دون نشر عنوان الملكة الالكتروني .... والشرط الثاني : عدم بيع او نشر رد الملكة في صحيفة اخرى غير عرب تايمز الا بموافقة مسبقة من الديوان الملكي الاردني .

    > رد الملكة تسبب في حوار مهني بحت داخل اسرة تحرير عرب تايمز ... وانقسمت الاراء الى قسمين ... الاول - وهو يمثل ايضا وجهة نظري - ان الجريدة لا يجوز ان تخضع لشروط القراء حتى لو كان القاريء ملكا او رئيسا للجمهورية ... فالمقال المرسل الى الجريدة يصبح من حقها ولها التصرف به بما يتفق والقواعدالمهنية المعمول بها عالميا بخاصة وان مقال القاريء - وهو هنا الملكة رانيا - جاء في صيغة رد وتوضيح لمقال نشرته عرب تايمز عن ندوة تلفزيونية شاركت فيها الملكة ...فضلا عن كون الملكة رانيا شخصية عامة ومن حق المواطنين الاردنيين بشكل خاص والعرب والمسلمين بشكل عام معرفة عنوان الملكة البريدي او الالكتروني ولا يجوز ابقاء هذا العنوان سرا بخاصة وان الملكة تدلي بدلوها في موضوع ديني حساس جدا قد يتطلب ردا على الملكة من جهات مختصة لا ترغب بالرد عليها على صفحات الجرائد .

    > كان هذا هو رأيي .

    > اما الزميل الدتور اسامة فوزي مستشار التحرير فكان له رأي اخر وهو الذي اخذنا به في النهاية ... فقد رأى الزميل ان شرط الملكة يتوافق مع اصول المهنة بل ومع شروط النشر في عرب تايمز حيث تشترط الجريدة على القراء الذين يبعثون بمقالاتهم اليها ان يذكروا عناوينهم الكاملة مع الاحتفاظ بحقهم بنشر مقالاتهم دون نشر عناوينهم وهذا هو بالضبط ما طالبت به الملكة رانيا وهو من حقها .... الى جانب ان موضوع الرد هو محور القضية لانه يتعلق بقضية خلافية جدالية دينية حساسة جدا واي تغيير او تحريف او تصرف بالنشر قد يسيء الى رأي الملكة ... وبالنسبة للشط الثاني فان من حق الملكة ان تعرف مسبقا ان كانت عرب تايمز بصدد نشر ردها في وسائل اخرى بخاصة وان الملكة ليست شخصا عاديا ويمكن فعلا استغلال اسمها في بيع الرد او التصرف به او نشره في وسائل اعلامية قد تكون معادية لها .

    > اذن ... توصلنا الى قرار نشر الرد كاملا والالتزام بالشرطين الذين استهلت بهما الملكة ردها ... وقبل ان ننشر رد جلالتها لدينا مجموعة اسئلة نرجو ان نجد لها اجابة عند الملكة او الديوان الملكي .

    > اولا : مقالنا كان باللغة العربية ... ورد الملكة جاء باللغة الانجليزية وليس بالعربية م ان اللغة العربية هي الافضل في التعبير عن موضوع ديني حساس وخلافي مثل قضية الحجاب بخاصة وان جلالتها تشير الى ايات قرانية في معرض الرد ... فما الحكمة من الكتابة باللغة الانجليزية بخاصة وان الكاتبة ملكة عربية ... عربية المولد والمنشأ والدراسة والاصل والفصل وجميع قراء عرب تايمز الذين سيقرأون رد الملكة هم من العرب طبعا !>

    > ثانيا : قراءة الملكة لمقالنا في عرب تايمز ثم تكلف عناء الرد عليه يعني ان الملكة دخلت الى موقعنا الالكتروني وربما حصلت على نسخة من العدد المطبوع ... فما الحكمة اذن في نشر رد على جريد تعلم الملكة جيدا ان الاجهزة الامنية في بلدها تضع بروكسي على موقعها الالكتروني لمنع المواطنين الاردنيين من الدخول الى عرب تايمز وقراءة ما ينشر فيها ؟ .... هل ستوعز الملكة للاجهزة الامنية برفع الحجر والبروكسي عن عرب تايمز مؤقتا ليتمكن الاردنيون من قراءة ردها علينا ام ان جلالتها تستهدف من الرد عرب امريكا فقط الذين يدخلون الى موقعنا بالالاف يوميا لعدم وجود بروكسي على الموقع في امريكا ؟

    > وبصراحة أكثر ... هل نطمع في ان تتدخل الملكة لدى الاجهزة الامنية لرفع هذا الحظر عن موقع عرب تايمز الالكتروني ... تكيسا لحرية الرأي ... وترجمة لما تدعو اليه الملكة ... واحتراما لحق المواطن الاردني الذي يكفله الدستور في ان يقرأ ما يشاء دون ان تمر حريته عبر مصفاة يتحكم بها ضابط مخابرات في اغلب الاعيان لا يحسن فك الحرف .



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    > A Message from Her Majesty Queen Rania to Arab Times:


    > God, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful, insists on making His religion easy, practical and enjoyable for His true believers. God also told us that those who reject Him or His books are making life miserable for themselves and for their loved ones who follow in their footsteps.

    > He reminds us in the Quran that He has placed no hardship on us in practicing ourreligion (see Quran 22:78)

    > God established also several rules in His book, the Quran, for His TRUE believers. Breaking any of His rules or refusing any of them means loss, misguidance, misery and eternal suffering.


    > To understand a topic like the DRESS CODE for Muslim Women, we need to review quickly some of these rules established by our Creator, God Almighty, to whom we will be responsible for our deeds. Every rule is important and every rule is meant to be.


    n> (1) The Quran is a complete book, See Quran 6:19,38,114, 115, 12:111 and 50:45.


    > Remember that when God says that His book is complete, it means 100% complete.


    > (2) The Quran is perfect; no mistakes, no falsehood, no nonsense. See Quran 41:42,12:40, 30:30, 30:43 and 98:5


    > (3) The Quran is detailed, and when God says He detailed His book it means FULLY detailed. God does not do half jobs. See Quran 6:114, 7:52, 11:1, 41:3, 10:37 and 12:111


    > (4) God does not need any addition to His book. God teaches us in the Quran that He does not run out of words and that if He so willed He could have given us hundreds, thousands or millions of books besides the Quran (see Quran 18:109). Since the Quran is complete, perfect and fully detailed, God did not give us any more books.


    > (5) God calls His book, the Quran, the BEST HADITH. HE called on His true believers to accept no other hadiths as a source of this perfect religion

    > See Quran 7:185, 31:6, 39:23, 45:6, and 77:50.


    > (6) God calls on His true believers to make sure not to fall in the trap of idol-worship by following the words of the scholars instead of the words of God. See Quran 9:31


    > (7) God calls those who prohibit what He did not prohibit, aggressors, liars and idol-worshipers. Idol-worship is the only unforgivable sin, if maintained till death. See Quran 5:87, 9:37, 7:32, 6:119, 6:140 and 10:59.


    > () Muhammed is represented only by the Quran. The Prophet Muhammed was the last Prophet and a messenger of God (See Quran 33:40). He was not the messenger of God because of who he (Muhammed) was, but because he was given the Quran (the message) to deliver to the world. The religion of Islam is a religion of God, not about Muhammed, who was blessed by God with the delivery of the message of the Quran. He did not have an agenda of his own. His job was to deliver to the world what God was giving him, the Qura. See Quran 42:48, 13:40, 5:99-100

    > Muhammed cannot prohibit things, or make lawful things on his own. When he tried to do that God admonished him publicly, see Quran 66:1


    > 66:1 reminds us that God is the only ONE to prohibit or make things lawful. NO ONE can attribute to Muhammed a prohibition that God did not give him in the Quran. Anyone who tries to do so is admitting his/her refusal of God's words and commandments in the Quran.


    > (9) The TRUE believers KOW that when God says something, He means it, and when He does not, he means it as well. Everything given to us in the Quran was done deliberately and everything left out was also left out deliberately.


    > God does not forget. See Quran 19:64. We are not to add to this religion what God deliberately left out and claim it to be from Him or His messenger. His messenger has only ONE message, the Quran. God already told us He does not run out of words. See Quran 18:109


    > (10 God does not need us to improve on His book, the Quran, but we very much need Him for every aspect of our lives. Those who think they have some improvement on the Quran are but asking for recognition of their idols as gods besides the ONE and ONLY GOD.


    > (11) God calls on His TRUE believers to verify every piece of information they see, hear or read, see Quran 17:36.

    > So, Please VERIFY for yourself.





    > See Quran[7:26]

    > This is the BASIC rule of DRESS CODE in the Quran. This is the first rule in WOMEN DRESS CODE in Islam.



    > The second rule can be found in Quran 24:31. Here God orders the women to cover their bosoms whenever they dress up. But before quoting 24:31 let us review some crucial words that are always mentioned with this topic, namely "Hijab" and "Khimar"


    > THE WORD"HIJAB" in the QURAN "Hijab" is the term used by many Muslims women to describe their head cover that may or may not include covering their face except their eyes, and sometimes covering also one eye. The Arabic word "Hijab" can be translated into veil or yashmak. Other meanings for the word "Hijab" include, screen, cover (ing), mantle, curtain, drapes, partition, division, divider.

    > Can we find the word "Hijab" in the Quran??

    > The word "Hijab" appeared in the Quran 7 times, ive of them as "Hijab" and two times as "Hijaban,". See Quran 7:46, 33:53, 38:32, 41:5, 42:51, 17:45 and 19:17.

    > None of these "Hijab" words are used in the Quran in reference to what the traditional Muslims call today (Hijab) as a dress code for the Muslim woman.


    > God knows that generations after Muhammed's death the Muslims will use the word "Hijab" to invent a dress code that He never authorized. God used the word "Hijab" ahead of them just as He used the word "Hdith" ahead of them. Hijab in the Quran has nothing to do with the Muslim Women dress code.




    > While many Muslims call "Hijab", an Islamic dress code, they completely ignore the fact that, Hijab as a dress code has nothing to do with Islam and nothing to do with QURAN.

    > "Hijab" or veil can be traced back to early civilizations. It can be found in early and late Roman and Greek art. The evidence can be seen in archeological discoveris whether in pottery fragments, paintings or recorded civil laws.

    > In Greco-Roman culture, both women and men wore head covering in religious contexts. The tradition of wearing the veil (by wome and the headcover (by me was then adopted by the Jews who wrote it in the Talmud then the Christians adopted the same. A well respected Rabbi once explained to a group of Jewish young women, "We do not find a direct command in the Torah mandating that women cover their heads, but we do know that thishas been the continuing custom for thousands of years." After the prophet Muhammad's death , the writers of the hadith books adopted and encouraged the ancient tradition of head covering. Hadith book' writers took after the Jews as they did with many other traditions , and alleged them to the prophet since the Quran did not command it.

    > Any student of the Jewish traditions or religious books will see that head cover for the Jewish woman (and me has been encouraged by the Rabbis and religiousleaders. Observant Jewish women still cover their heads most of the time and specially in the synagogues, weddings, and religious festivities.


    > Christian women cover their heads in many religious occasions while the nuns cover their heads all the time. As we can expect the traditional Arabs, of all religions, Jews, Christians and Muslims used to wear head cover, or "Hijab," not because of Islam, but because of tradition. In Saudi Arabia, up to this day most of the men cover their head , not because of Islam but because of tradition. North Africa is known for its Tribe (Tuareg) that have the Muslim men wearing "Hijab" instead of women. Here the tradition has the hijab in reverse. If wearing Hijab is the sign of the pious and righteous Muslim woman, Mother Teresa would have been the first woman to be counted.


    > In brief, hijab is a traditional dress and has nothing to do with Islam or religion. In certain areas of the world, men are the ones who wear the hijab while n others the women do. Mixing religion with tradition is a form of idolworship, since the followers of traditions are following laws from sources other than God's scriptures and claim it to be from God. Idolworship is the only unforgivable sin if maintained till death.

    > Ignoring what God asks you to do in His book, or following innovated laws not stated in the the Quran, is a clear sign of disregarding God and His message.

    > When tradition supersedes God's commandment, the true religiontakes a second place. God never accepts to be second, God has to be always the FIRST and to HIM there is no second.


    > THE WORD "KHIMAR" in the QURAN:


    > "Khimar" is an Arabic word that can be found in the Quran in 24:31 While the first basic rule of Dress Code for the Muslim Women can be found in Quran 7:26, the second rule of the DRESS CODE FOR WOMEN can be found in Quran 24:31.

    > Some Muslims quote verse 31 of sura 24 as containing the Hijab, or head cover,by pointing to the word, khomoorehenna, (from Khimar), forgetting that God already used the word Hijab, several times in the Quran. Those blessed by God can see that the use of the word "Khimar" in this verse is not for "Hijab" or for head cover. Those who quote this verse usually add (Head cover) after the word Khomoorehenna, and usually between ( ), because it is their addition to the verse not God's. See Quran 24:31


    > "Khimar" is an Arabic word that means, cover, any cover, a crtain is a Khimar, a dress is a Khimar, a table cloth that covers the top of a table is a Khimar, a blanket can be used as a Khimar..etc. The word KHAMRA used for intoxicant in Arabic has the same root with Khimar, because both covers, the Khimar covers (a window, a body, a table . . . etc.) while KHAMRA covers the state of mind.


    > In Quran 24:31 God is asking the women to use their cover (khimar)( being a dress, a coat, a shawl, a shirt, a blouse, a tie, a scarf . . . etc.) to cover ther bosoms, not their heads or their hairs. If God so willed to order the women to cover their heads or their hair, nothing would have prevented Him from doing so. GOD does not run out of words. GOD does not forget. God did not order the women to cover their heads or their hair.


    > God does not wait for a Scholar to put the correct words for Him!


    > The Arabic word for CHEST, GAYB is in the verse (24:31), but the Arabic words for HEAD, (RAAS) or HAIR, (SHAAR) are NOT in theverse. The commandment in the verse is clear - COVER YOUR CHEST OR BOSOMS.


    > The last part of the verse (24:31) show us that the details of the body can be revealed or not revealed by the dress you wear, not by your head cover.


    > Notice also the statement in 24:31,

    > This statement may sound vague to many because they have not understood the mercy of God. Again God here used this very general term to give us the freedom to decide according to our own circumsances the definition of "What is necessary".


    > It is not up to a scholar or to any particular person to define this term. God wants to leave it personal for every woman and no one can take it away from her. Women who follow the basic rule number one i.e. righteousness, will have no problem making the right decision to reveal only which is necessary.




    > The first regulation of DRESS CODE for Muslim women is in Qura 7:26, the second is in Quran 24:31 and the third is in Quran 33:59


    > In Quran 33:59, God sets the other regulation for the dress code for the Muslim women during the prophet's life.


    > Although the verse is talking to the prophet which means this regulation applies to the time of the prophet, just like the order in Quran 49:2, the description fits the spirit of Islam, and can teach us a great deal.


    > If you reflect on this verse and how God ordered th prophet to tell his wives, his daughters and the wives of the believers to lengthen their garments, you would understand the great wisdom of the MOST WISE, the MOST MERCIFUL. In this verse, God, DELIBERATELY, (and all the TRUE believers know that everything GOD says, does, or did is DELIBERATE) said, tell them, to lengthen their garments, and never said how long is long. God could have said tell them to lengthen their garments to their ankles or to their mid-calf or to their knees, but HE DID NOT. He didnot, OUT OF HIS MERCY, not because HE FORGOT as God does not forget. God knows that we will be living in different communities and have different cultures and insists that the minor details of this dress code will be left for the people of every community to hammer for themselves.


    > It is clear from the above verses that the DRESS CODE for the Muslim women according to the Quran is righteousness and modesty. God knows that this modesty will be understood differently in different communites and that is why He left it open to us to decide for ourselves. Decide, after righteousness what is modesty. Modesty for a woman who lives in New York may not be accepted by a woman who lives in Cairo Egypt. Modesty of a woman who lives in Cairo, Egypt may not be accepted by a woman who lives in Saudi Arabia.


    > Modesty of a woman who lives in Jidda in Saudi Arabia may not be accepted by a woman who lives in a desert oasis in the same country. This difference in the way we perceive modety is well known to God, He created us, and He put NO hardship on us in this great religion. He left it to us to decide what modesty would be. For any person, knowledgeable or not to draw a line and make conclusion for God about the definition of modesty is to admit that he/she knows better than God.


    > God left it open for us and no-one has the authority to restrict it, it has to stay open.


    > The word "zeenatahunna" in this verse refers to the woman's body parts (beaty) that can be exaggerated by the movement of the body while walking and not to the artificial ornaments and decorations as some people interpret it or translate it. At the end of the verse, God told the women not to strike with their feet to show their "zeenatahunna." Striking the feet while walking can emphasize , exaggerate or shake certain parts of the body that do not need to be emphasized. It is important to remember that striking the feet while walking does not have this effect on the head, hairor face, they are not part of what God calls in this verse the hidden zeena.


    > Accepting orders from anybody but God, means idol-worship. That is how serious the matter of Hijab/khimar is. Women who wear Hijab because of tradition or because they like it for personal reasons commit no sin, as long as they know that it is not part of this perfect religion. Those who are wearing it because they think God ordered it are committing Idol-worship, as God did not order it, the scholars did. Thee women have found for themselves another god than the One who revealed the Quran, complete, perfect and FULLY detailed to tell them they have to cover their heads to be Muslims.


    > Idol-worship is the only unforgivable sin, if maintained till death, See Quran 4:48.




    > In the family setting, God put no hardship on the women, and permitted them to relax their dress code. If you reflect on the verses, Quran 33:35 and Quran 24:60,you will see that God did not give details of what this relaxation is, because every situation is different.


    > A woman may relax her dress code in front of the four-year-old son of her brother but not as much in front of the 16 year old son. I think i have the right to relax in front of my own family.






    > God, the MOST GRACIOUS, MOST MERCIFUL decided tha those who will reject His complete book and go look for other sources for guidance will suffer in this life and in the HEREAFTER by their choice. God never put any hardship on the believers, but the scholars did, they invented their own laws in defiance of God, to regulate everything from the side of bed you sleep on, to which foot should step in the house, to what to do with a fly in your soup, to what to say when having intercourse with your spouse.


    > Those who believe God and believethat His book is COMPLETE, PERFECT AND FULLY DETAILED, will have everything easy for them as God promised, See Quran 10:62- 64, 16:97 while those who could not believe God and have been seeking other sources than the Quran will have all the hardship of this life and the life to come. In the Hereafter they will complain to God, "we were not idol- worshipers," but God knows best, He knows they were See Quran 6:22-24

    من اقوال الشهيد البطل صدام حسين
    لا تأسفنّ على غدر الزمان لطالما رقصت على جثث الأسـود كلابُ
    لا تحسبنّ برقصـها تعلـو على أسيادها فالاسدُ أسدٌ والكلابُ كلابُ
    تبقى الأسود مخيفةً في أسـرها حتى وإن نبحتْ عليها كـــلابُ

  2. #2

    عادي اخ يتيمي ما دام بوش افتى فلا تستكثر على الملكه رانيا العبدالله ان تفتي خصوصا وان زوجها المصون الملك عبدالله ...
    بعدين وش ترجي من وحده طلعت بمايوه بموقع العرب تايمز ....

    بالفعل سلط على المسلمين اراذلهم ...

    مقاس التوقيع 500 بيكسل عرض وطول200 كحد اقصى وكذلك حجم التوقيع لا يتجاوز50ك ب نرجوا من الجميع التقيد بذلك من اجل تصفح افضل

  3. #3

    اخي يتيمي

    الظاهر ان الملكــه غطت على ابو التساهيل


    مقاس التوقيع 500 بيكسل عرض وطول200 كحد اقصى وكذلك حجم التوقيع لا يتجاوز50ك ب نرجوا من الجميع التقيد بذلك من اجل تصفح افضل

  4. #4

    يشباب مسكه غلط معه

  5. #5

    الاخ العزيز السمن العرابي

    شكراً لك على متابعتك وتعقيبك .

    تحياتي .


    من اقوال الشهيد البطل صدام حسين
    لا تأسفنّ على غدر الزمان لطالما رقصت على جثث الأسـود كلابُ
    لا تحسبنّ برقصـها تعلـو على أسيادها فالاسدُ أسدٌ والكلابُ كلابُ
    تبقى الأسود مخيفةً في أسـرها حتى وإن نبحتْ عليها كـــلابُ

  6. #6

    الاخ العزيز ابو علي

    شكراً لك متابعتك المستمره .

    والظاهر انه كذالك.



    من اقوال الشهيد البطل صدام حسين
    لا تأسفنّ على غدر الزمان لطالما رقصت على جثث الأسـود كلابُ
    لا تحسبنّ برقصـها تعلـو على أسيادها فالاسدُ أسدٌ والكلابُ كلابُ
    تبقى الأسود مخيفةً في أسـرها حتى وإن نبحتْ عليها كـــلابُ

  7. #7

    الاخ العزيز ابو مرزوق.


    من الي مسكت معه غلط .

    تحياتي .


    من اقوال الشهيد البطل صدام حسين
    لا تأسفنّ على غدر الزمان لطالما رقصت على جثث الأسـود كلابُ
    لا تحسبنّ برقصـها تعلـو على أسيادها فالاسدُ أسدٌ والكلابُ كلابُ
    تبقى الأسود مخيفةً في أسـرها حتى وإن نبحتْ عليها كـــلابُ

  8. #8

    بكل تاكيد رانيا العبدالله
    يا اخ يتيمي

  9. #9

    الاخوان الاعزاء .

    شكراً لكم اخواني على تعقيباتكم .

    وحبيت اترجم لكم فتوى جلالة الملكه ولا كن وجدت ان ترجمتها راح يكون حجمها كبير جداً والرساله ماشاء الله زي منتم شايفين خفيفة دم (كبيره ).

    واردت ان ادرج لكم هذه الوصله لكي يتسنا لكم عن طريقها ترجمت الفتوى.

    موقع عجيب للترجمه

    من اقوال الشهيد البطل صدام حسين
    لا تأسفنّ على غدر الزمان لطالما رقصت على جثث الأسـود كلابُ
    لا تحسبنّ برقصـها تعلـو على أسيادها فالاسدُ أسدٌ والكلابُ كلابُ
    تبقى الأسود مخيفةً في أسـرها حتى وإن نبحتْ عليها كـــلابُ

معلومات الموضوع

الأعضاء الذين يشاهدون هذا الموضوع

الذين يشاهدون الموضوع الآن: 2 (0 من الأعضاء و 2 زائر)


المواضيع المتشابهه

  1. **فتوى اللحيدان وخطبة النمر**
    بواسطة عبدالله الجعيثن في المنتدى مضيف المشاركات المنقولة
    مشاركات: 0
    آخر مشاركة: 15-04-2009, 13:32
  2. فتوى العلامة ابن باز في تكفير صدام
    بواسطة منصور الغايب في المنتدى المضيف العام
    مشاركات: 52
    آخر مشاركة: 01-07-2007, 03:38
  3. اول بشائر فتوى حسن الترابي
    بواسطة نمر ابوغوش في المنتدى المضيف العام
    مشاركات: 2
    آخر مشاركة: 25-05-2006, 21:10
  4. فتوى تحتاج الى توضيح ؟؟
    بواسطة الجازي في المنتدى المنتدى الاسلامي
    مشاركات: 4
    آخر مشاركة: 30-12-2003, 02:29
  5. فتوى بطاقة المرأه
    بواسطة ابوعلي في المنتدى المنتدى الاسلامي
    مشاركات: 4
    آخر مشاركة: 21-11-2001, 03:05


ضوابط المشاركة

  • لا تستطيع إضافة مواضيع جديدة
  • لا تستطيع الرد على المواضيع
  • لا تستطيع إرفاق ملفات
  • لا تستطيع تعديل مشاركاتك
جميع ما يطرح بالمضايف يعبر عن وجهة نظر صاحبه وعلى مسؤوليته ولا يعبر بالضرورة عن رأي رسمي لإدارة شبكة شمر أو مضايفها
تحذير : استنادا لنظام مكافحة الجرائم المعلوماتية بالمملكة العربية السعودية, يجرم كل من يحاول العبث بأي طريقة كانت في هذا الموقع أو محتوياته