he is bhatha>>>>>>bhatha is hail language
ya mllllli/ what is your name
ablshtkm bhasoaal
عرض للطباعة
loooooooooooooooool 6nkhan good topic
but really u r face didnt give us any ideal about this nice skill :):)
i tought u were escaped from - al7aier - :):):):)
but this is the 1st discoverd skill from u
nice topic boy
thank u
and play far please :):) :goooood::goooood:
hi pals,
how are you doing today?
hope you are fine all
Really, I'm fine because I didn't go to college yesterday & wednesday
thanks brother for asking about us
what a lie <<
I know .. I know .. you mean ryal & tankhan
cross-eyed <<
what about you
How's it going ??
I hope I can get back to school, again.
It is been quite long, lucky you who have this opportunity.
Work is killing me really, better to be called the Silent Killer !
For you who still in universities and colleges, believe me, these days will never be forgotten, and one day you will remember what I am talking about.
So enjoy it before you wake up one morning and find yourself graduated !
allah yaruj you :)
you are falleenha so strong :)
fallah is not here it's in another side :7ayyoh:[/align]
? how are you
...... really I want to ask you
? are you 75 years old or it is typo